Friday, February 25, 2011

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Why I will never be an adult...

Hyberbole and a Half is a great blog.

It speaks to me on so many levels.

And even charts out my day to day weird.


So awesome.

I feel ya Rod...I feel ya.

Rod Stewart and Stevie Nicks are playing at the Hollywood Bowl April 16th and 17th.

You should go.

If you like Rod, you may like Meatloaf...

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Cock Sauce!

We couldn't agree more!                                         Via

What's worse than breaking up with a psycho significant other?

Confronting an angry bear...probably.

Backpacker Magazine printed this flowchart a couple of years ago.

I find it extremely helpful.

I hope you do too. Takes skillz, you know what I'm sayin?

Beard Hairs.

I am one of those ladies who likes facial hair on men. Not all, but some. I'm not so much a mustache fan, but I can support Movember. Just as long as the 'stache doesn't convey questionable ulterior motives. Some men can pull off a full beard, some can't. Same with 'staches. I think it's how a man maintains his beard hairs. Nicely trimmed or even a little scruff can make a man really attractive.

The RO has beard hairs. He looks good with beard hairs I think. Right now, it's growing into Sean Connery status (sans the grayish white. He's a dark blondie.) He has been talking about shaving it, but why?

Why shave such awesomeness?

Well, there's a chart for that.

Thank you

And that's scene.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Public Outrage vs. Actual Hazard

I found this today, and thought it was interesting, it shows the level outrage associate with a particular incident and the likelihood of that incident actually occurring.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The Ultimate Awesome, Revisited

So the RO got bored and decided to test out The Ultimate Awesome

I started out by putting a little bit of peanut butter on some bacon, it was Pretty Awesome. The RO had never tried this particular combination before, but it is surprisingly tasty. 

Next, I melted some chocolate chips on top of another piece of bacon, this was Really Awesome. If you don't believe me, look in the candy section at Whole Foods the next time you are there, they sell bacon chocolate bars. 

I think we can all agree that this next combination is Totally Awesome

Lastly, I made The Ultimate Awesome, bacon topped with peanut butter and chocolate chips. This was, as expected, the ultimate awesome, but I felt it lacked imagination on my part. So, I made one more attempt at the ultimate awesome.

This truly was The Ultimate Awesome. Peanut butter chocolate chip cookies, topped with a a piece of fried bacon, and they were amazing.

Another Shout-Out!

Check out our friends at Couch Hunter. They have nothing to do with charts or graphs, yet, but they are still pretty awesome, just like bacon and peanut butter.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Post Graphics Shout-out.

Post Graphics on Facebook is linked to the Washington Post. The team at Chart Off loves to learn. Loves charts (as you know,) loves to figure stuffs out, and hopes that one day they will be able to get social security when they are old fogies.

Click this link: 30 Years of Spending Priorities. to see a bunch of  graphs showing the US federal budget and letting readers explore the changes in revenue and spending since 1981.

I find that neat.

Also, this is a cool post graphic: Weight of the World. Shows the increased weight gain/BMI over the span of 28 years.

Anyhoo, check 'em out if you want. If not, that's cool too.

I bet Thomas Hood thought he was getting laid.

"Oh, if it be to choose and call thee mine, love, thou art every day my Valentine!"
-Thomas Hood

Thank you GraphJam.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Who the &^%$# are you people!?!

Hello Readers. 

The awesomeologists at Chart Off! would like to say "hello! how do you do?" We'd also like to properly introduce ourselves. 

My name is Aisfor Alyssa:

and this here is DH (* he's down for life *.)

We met on a whim and formed a bond stronger than STEEL (fully equipped with secret code names, BR and RO--we could tell you what the initials stand for, but then we'd have to...)

Make a diagram!

Thank you so much for visiting our website!

Stay tuned...

Thursday, February 10, 2011

How I Spent My Time Today

I worked this up to show how I spent my time today. Notice there is no red piece of pie. It wasn't that great of a day.
-The RO

Diagrams Rule

Stick with us, and someday our charts will be this awesome too.
-The RO

Valentines Day Gifts

We're not a fan of Valentines Day here at Chart Off, but we couldn't not post this. Also, We take issue with Dyson Vacuums being in the lame category, Dyson Vacuums are awesome, and anyone would be lucky to get one as a gift. via The Frisky


...are as awesome as an intense game of Euchre.
Game on.

For All You Meatloaf Lovers Out There...

You know who you are.

If you like this, you might also like this!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Is your boyfriend a keeper?

Nancy always dreamed of finding the love of her life. And then she met Sid...

Maybe if she had followed the above chart (and, more importantly, followed a good twelve step program toward a heroin-free life) she'd find the bread to her butter, the meat to her potatoes, the salad to her dressing etc. Instead of the cold tile bathroom floor.

Oh what could have been for Nancy...what could have been.

In other news, it's almost the end of my work day...wait...I mean, I am working, of course. This is work. Kinda. Maybe.


Sidenote: Who's Sid and Nancy? Let me google that for you...

Relationships, Smischmationships...A guide.

Relationships is an occurring topic with RO and I. I find it fascinating. People are only themselves when they are alone. No influences. To be in a essence is to become an entirely different version of yourself. A partner, a lover, a significant other...

It's quite fascinating. Quite. 

I found this chart (or guide rather) a year or two ago and saved it. It is humorous and true. Everyone is looking for the Island of Awesome. And anyone who says different is lying to themselves.. 

Respectfully Yours, 

the BR 

Is your girlfriend a keeper?

Hello again. 

How are you today? Wait...what? Oh no!?! What happened? Girlfriend problems AGAIN? Oh my, I'm sorry to hear.

I don't know what you should do.

Well, calm down. Let's think this one through.

Should you continue with the relationship you ask?

Well, let me ask you: Is she a keeper?

How does one know? How do you know if your girlfriend is a keeper?

There's a chart for that.  And here it is: 

Good day. And...good luck.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Mental and Visceral Connections

This diagram was inspired by a conversation between the RO and the BR. It is a bit of an oversimplification, but you should be able to get the idea.

The Ultimate Awesome.

"There is no try...only do." 

...says the little green man.

the BR

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Quality Times Oh Quality TIME!!!

Some people find it hard to healthily distribute their time between their friends and significant others. It's a travesty really. We are all adults here, we should budget our time accordingly!!

But I digress...let us put it in a venn diagram shall we?

There we go.

Further explanation: In order to have a healthy balance with anything, trust and open communication are key. In a relationship, one should feel comfortable saying "Hey, I'm going out with the guys tonight" or "Dear, the ladies and I are going shopping."

A guy can respond with "Have fun shopping! Don't spend too much money..." OR if he's the financially supporting kind, "Have fun shopping! Don't spend too much of my money."

A lady could respond with "Have fun! I'll see you later, honey." OR if she's the suspecting type " Have fun! and make sure you don't stick your penis into a disease-ridden whore."

It all comes down to good management. You are responsible for your own life. Take charge! Be that awesome.

It's really easy.

Give it a go.

You deserve it.